In the evening of October 31st, a rally against the revision of the Worker Dispatching Act was held in front of the Diet building by the group “Joint Job Action.” Two hundred people joined the action. The bill was to be tabled at the Health, Labor and Welfare Committee of the Lower House this day, but deliberation was postponed because the Koumei Party suddenly proposed an amendment. A member of the committee, Communist Party diet member TAKAHASHI Chizuko gave an account of the incident. “One of the ruling parties, Koumei Party, proposed an amendment before the first committee meeting. The content of the amendment was surprising. It said ‘When there is a bad effect on the employment situation, further revision will be promptly considered’. This means that ne of the ruling parties has admitted that there may be a negative effect of the revision.
Even the Liberal Democratic Party senior committee members didn’t know about the amendment by the Koumei Party, which was forced to propose the amendment by public opinion. Let’s do our best to kill the revision bill.” There were some participants from Osaka and Mie. (M)
「安倍政権の雇用破壊に反対する共同アクション」の派遣法改悪反対!国会前大行動が10月31日夜、国会前歩道で行われた。参加者は約200人。この日衆院厚生労働委員会で審議が行われる予定だったが、公明党が修正案を突然提示したため混乱し、審議が見送られた。厚生労働委員の高橋千鶴子議員(共産党)が、そ の経緯をつぶさに報告した。「まだ一回も委員会が始まっていないのに、与党の公明党が突然修正案を出した。中身も驚くべきもの。“雇用情勢に悪影響が出れば速やかに見直しを検討する”としている。与党の一員が法律に悪影響の恐れがあり、問題があることを認めたわけだ。また修正案は自民党理事 にも知らされていなかった」「公明党が修正案を出した背景には、運動と世論の力がある。廃案に向けてがんばろう」と檄を飛ばした。この日は、大阪・三重からも仲間が駆けつけた。(M)
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