Sunday, November 22, 2015

SEALDs never stop!—Shinjuku protest against new base in Henoko

 After watching the TV news on terrorist attacks in Paris that killed more than 120 people on Nov. 14, I went out to a protest action against the new base in Henoko, which was organized by SEALDs. It seems that the world is being dragged into a quagmire. The U.S., U.K., Russia, France and other countries launched airstrikes against the Islamist State (the monster they created), they will suffer retaliation with suicide bombings or machine guns....violence perpetuates. Japan is ready to jump into war economy after it passed the war legislation. We have turned onto a dangerous path. Amidst this situation, HONDA Nobukazu began emceeing a protest action around 2:40 p.m. at Shinjuku Station. Lawmakers-- AKAMINE Seiken, ITOKAZU Keiko, both of Okinawaspoke about how the government is pushing to build the base despite Okinawas public opinion. NAKAGAWA Takashi of Soul Flower Union appeared as a special guest and sang three songs that mention Henoko. (By KINOSHITA Masaaki) 


11 月14日、「パリで同時多発テロ 120人超死亡」のニュースをみたあと、シールズ主催の「辺野古新基地建設反対」の抗議集会に出かけた。世界はいよいよ泥沼にはまっていく米英露仏など巨 大国が「イスラム国」(彼らが生み出した怪物)の拠点を空爆で攻撃すれば、かならずどこかの大都市は自爆や機銃で報復される……といったくり返し。日本は 戦争法の成立で、戦争経済に突入しようとしている。危険な道に足をふみ入れてしまった。そんな状況下、人々がにぎわう新宿アルタ前の広場で午後2時40分 ごろから、本間信和さんの司会で抗議がはじまった。沖縄の赤嶺政賢、糸数慶子両議員が、いかに政府が沖縄の民意無視のゴリ押しで基地建設を進めているかを 訴えた。スペシャルゲストにソウルフラワーユニオンの中川敬さんがよばれて、辺野古にかかわる歌を3曲うたった。(木下昌明)  

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