Tuesday, August 22, 2017

A statue of wartime labor drafts unveiled in South Korea

 On Aug. 12, a ceremony to unveil the memorial statue and a cultural festival for peace was held in Incheon to bear in mind those relinquished laborers during Japan’s cruel colonial rule of Korea. Members of “Nore no kai,” a group in support for ‘comfort woman,’ or sexual slavery, attended the festival and sang some songs.
Kim Chungon, the head of the ‘Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU) Incheon headquarters led the movement to build the monument.
“We had pledged never to forget the agony our predecessors had to go through and how their human rights were devastated as they were forced to work against their will under the Japanese imperialism,” Kim said. “Thereupon today we came to erect a monument of the drafted laborers here. The government of Japan, an offender, has yet to recognize the suppression of human rights and the drafted labor in those days.
“Beginning today, we must come to terms with the remains of the Japanese imperialism in our society, revise the distorted history, reveal the truth about Japanese colonial days so that the history is not repeated.” (OZAWA Kuniko)


ま た兵器工場などの労働に動員された労働者を記憶し平和を願う、徴用労働者像除
幕式&平 和文化祭があり、ノレの会として参加し、歌ってきました。主催者で、徴
ことにな った。加害国日本はいまだ人権蹂躙と強制労働・徴用を認めていない。今

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