“I don’t know how much….,” began MORI Tsuyoshi, but choked up
fighting back the tears. After a while, he continued, “I’m not sure how much I
spoke for my daughter, who died all alone, but in court I expressed all I had
in mind.” (Photo/ at the report-back meeting after the trial) The first court hearing of Watami karoshi
lawsuit was held at the Tokyo District Court (TAKEDA Mitsuhiro being the
presiding judge) on Feb. 17. The case was filed by the bereaved parents of MORI
Mina, who committed suicide from overwork only two months after joining the
Japanese pub chain Watami Co. Each of the parents made the opening statement
and accused of Watami for awful working conditions. People were closely
watching whether or not the defendant, WATANABE Miki, the former Watami
president, would appear in the court, but on the day his attorney showed up
without the defendant.
“I’m repentant,” Watanabe said in a meeting for the Liberal
Democratic Party. “I will spend the rest of my life making up for it.” His
irresponsible attitude with empty words evoked strong anger
among the people gathering for the meeting after the hearing. (By M)
Photo: TANAKA Ryusaku Journal
「一生かけて償う」はずの渡邉美樹氏 出廷せず~「ワタミ過労死裁判」第1回口頭弁論
「美 菜の思いをどれだけ・・」と言い始めた森豪さんは絶句。しばらく下を向いて必死にこらえる。そして途切れ途切れに言葉を継いだ。「一人で死んでいった娘の 気持ちを思うと、どれだけのことが言えたか心元ない。でも、現在思い浮かぶことだけは、法廷で述べさせていただいた」(写真/報告集会)。2月17日午 後、入社後2ヶ月余で「過労自殺」に追い込まれた森美奈さんの「ワタミ過労死裁判」第1回弁論が、東京地裁(竹田光弘裁判長)で開かれた。被害者両親・森 豪さんと祐子さんが冒頭陳述を行い、娘を死に追いやったワタミの凄まじい職場実態を告発した。被告の渡邉美樹氏の出廷が注目されたが、被告席は代理弁護人 だけ。渡邉氏は「悔いている。一生かけて償う」と自民党部会で発言する一方、この日は大阪の就職セミナーに出席していた。その口先だけの無責任ぶりに、報 告集会では怒りの声が上がった。(M)
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