Monday, March 10, 2014

Why only talk with Rengo? Protest action at the entrance of Keidanren

At noon on February 18, 200 union members from the National Committee of the Spring Offensives for Workers’ Rights gathered in front of the Federation of Economic Organizations (Keidanren) in Otemachi, Tokyo. There were forty or so colorful union flags, including that of the Dismissed Workers’ Group of Japan Airlines. The slogan of the action was “We want decent jobs!” and the participants raised their voices to call for improvement of the deteriorating working conditions and for the shutting down of nuclear power plants. After the rally, two representatives, including NAKAOKA Motoaki, secretary general of Zenrokyo, tried to enter the building to hand in a request letter, but were stopped by the guards. I asked Nakaoka-san why Keidanren refused to receive the letter and his answer was, “They never do. They say that they are listening to workers’ voices through Rengo. But Zenrokyo is also representing workers. I won’t take it!” (M)
Photo: Guards obstructing representative Nakaoka at the Keidanren building


2 月18日昼、けんり春闘全国実行委員会(全労協系)に結集する労組メンバー約200人が、寒空のなか東京・大手町の経団連ビル前に集まった。JAL争議団 の旗をはじめ赤・緑・黄の組合旗40本が林立し、人目を引いた。スローガンは「人間らしく働ける社会を!」で、悪化する労働環境改善や脱原発を求めて声を 挙げた。集会後、全労協事務局長の中岡氏ら二人が要請書を渡すためにビルに入ろうとすると、ガードマンが入り口で激しく妨害し阻止された。「なぜ経団連は 要請書も受け取らないのか?」という記者の質問に中岡氏は、「これまで一度も受け取っていない。経団連は労働者の話は連合から聞いているからいいと言って いる。組合は、全労協も全労連もあるのに相手にしていない。許せない」と、要請書を手にしたまま憤懣やるかたない表情を見せた。(М) 

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