Thursday, April 17, 2014

Struggle for easy understanding~1,000-people committee voices never to allow war

Since March 11, 2011, weve been carrying on Sayonara Gempatsu (Farewell to Nuclear Power Plants) Campaign, and now were going to start a new campaign Good-bye Wars. We will never let them enter wars, KAMATA Satoshi expressed his determination on March 20 in his speech at the kick-off rally of 1,000-member committee to prevent Japan from entering war and to say No! to the right to collective action that destroys the pacifist constitution in Tokyo. In spite of the rain and cold, more than 4,000 people mainly from labor unions gathered. (see photo) Democrats, socialists and communists from the Diet as well as Peoples Life party members showed their support on the issue. The use of the right to collective action imposes on us the responsibility to join the U.S.-led wars, SATAKA Makoto, a Japanese critic, said. It is crucial to convey the problem to the young people in a way they can easily understand. It is a struggle for  easy understanding. He suggested creating plain new slogans to broaden the movement.  The committee is planning to set up 1,000-member committees across the country, invite others to join the campaign and collect signatures for petitions. (By M) 
Photo flash 


「3.11 以降私たちは“さよなら原発”運動を展開してきたが、これからは“さよなら戦争”の運動も始める。戦争を絶対にやらせない!」。3月20日、「憲法を破壊 する集団的自衛権の行使反対!戦争をさせない1000人委員会」出発集会の挨拶で、鎌田慧氏はこう決意を述べた。会場の東京・日比谷野音には雨と寒さにも かかわらず、労組を中心に4千人が集まった(写真)。国会議員も民主・社民・生活・共産が足並みを揃えた。評論家の佐高信氏は、「集団的自衛権行使は、ア メリカの戦争に参加する義務を負うことになる。問題をいかにわかりやすく若い人たちに伝えていくかが勝負。わかりやすさの闘いでもある」と述べ、運動を拡 げる言葉をつくっていこうと呼びかけた。「1000人委員会」は今後、全国各地に「1000人委員会」をつくり、賛同人募集や請願署名に取り組む予定だ。 (M)  

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