Tuesday, April 22, 2014

“They refuse to remain in poverty of 22K for another decade.” - Labornet TV Focuses on Taiwan's Sunflower Student Movement

Labornet TV program aired on April 9 featured the Sunflower Student Movement in Taiwan. As was extensively reported by various media, students had occupied the debating chamber of the Legislative Yuan, Taiwan's Parliament, from March 18 to April 10, demanding that the Cross Strait Service Trade Agreement with China be repealed. President Ma Ying-jeou went ahead with the agreement that is overwhelmingly disadvantageous for Taiwan without even consulting with the prime minister, leaving the people completely in the dark. The direct action by students, aiming to resist Ma's iron fist rule and protect democracy of Taiwan, gained strong public support and quickly developed into a large social movement. As many as 500 thousand people joined the demonstration on March 30. The people of Taiwan were angry more at the way Ma proceeded with the agreement and the fact that he completely ignored the people and democracy of Taiwan than the contents of the agreement.
In the program of April 9,  KAJIYAMA Ken'ichi, a specialist on Taiwan, and TAIYO Hanao of International Dept. of Labornet Japan explained the demands raised by the students and implications of the movement. According to them, poverty was one of the issues that motivated the students.  “They express a strong discontent with '22K' that means 22,000 Taiwanese Yuan (approximately US$727) of the average earnings of new graduates.  Prices are high in Taiwan, but the average wage of new graduates has stayed at 22K for last ten years, resulting in increasing poverty. The cross-strait service agreement is to allow large companies from the continent to deprive local industry of businesses and farther impoverish local people. In the sunflower movement, the people of Taiwan made it clear that they would refuse to accept another decade of 22K,” they said.  A woman living in Taiwan also provided a comment through skype. One of the commentator was putting on sunflower-shaped headdress and a yellow shirt (photo), enhancing the atmosphere in the studio. A group of Labornet members organized a solidarity program on April 11 where people from Taipei, Osaka and Tokyo discussed through skype. (By M)

Photo Report   
Photo: Citizens' demonstration in support of the students occupying the Legislative Yuan (from www. coolloud. org)

レイバーネット TV 49日の放送は、台湾特集だった。「台湾に圧倒的に不利なサービス貿易協定を馬英九総統は、首相にも知らせずたった一人で決めてしまった。大事なことが 全てブラックボックスで国民が無視された」。台湾民衆がこれほど怒ったのは、貿易協定の中身だけでなく「民主主義」が踏みにじられたことだった。番 組では、台湾専門家・梶山憲一さんとレイバーネット国際部・太陽花男さん(写真)が解説。「かれらの一番の要求は、“10年後も22Kの生活は嫌だとい うもの。22Kとは22000元(日本円で78万円)のことで新卒の平均賃金。台湾の物価は高い上に過去10年間22Kは変わらず、生活が苦しくなる一 方だった。今回 の協定で中国大企業が台湾を呑みこめば、かれらの生活破綻がいっそう進行する」。若者が立ち上がった背景には、こうした貧困問題があった。ひまわりグッズ や現地スカイプ報告もあり、スタジオは「ひまわり運動」一色に染まった。(M 写真速報


馬英九政権が 中国と結んだ「サービス貿易協定」撤回を求めて、318日に立法院を占拠した台湾の「ひまわり学生運動」は、30日に50万人デモが行われるなど台湾民 衆の大運動に発展している。この直接行動は、台湾の若者たちが、台湾と中国の対立か統一かという冷戦下での抗争を超えて、強権的な支配に抵抗し、台湾の民 主 主義を求めたものであったため、台湾全土の広範な人々の共感を呼んでいる。「暗闇の台湾に陽光を」とひまわりを掲げてたたかう人々。いま台湾で何が起きて いるのか。それはどんな意味を持つのか。9日(水)のレイバーネットTVは台湾専門家を招いて、緊急特番を放送する。また大阪では、11日(金)に「台 湾・若者たちに連帯する緊急交流討論の夕べ」が開かれる。両方とも現地とスカイプで結ぶ予定だ。

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