The long-awaited DVD of the movie “Japanese Devils (Riben Guizi)” is
finally to go on sale on Nov. 7. The horrific documentary film directed by
MATSUI Minoru was released in 2000. It consists of testimonies by 14
ex-soldiers of Japanese Imperial Army, describing their atrocities during the
15 years of Sino-Japanese War, which started with the Manchurian Incident in
1931. Atrocities far worse than the ‘Three Allies Policy” (“Kill all, Burn all,
Loot all”) were committed. They raped, tried their swords on people, tortured,
blasted a grenade against a mother and her child whom they had thrown into a
well, experimented on human bodies by Unit 731, used the Chinese people as
human detectors of landmines, ate human flesh, or experimented with biological
weapons. The soldiers summoned their
courage to confess what they had done during the wartime from the deep remorse
and responsibility to “tell the reality of the war.”
There is a Chinese proverb, “Remember the past and make it a lesson for
the future.”
Germany, former president Weizsäcker also
said in his Bundestag (Federal Diet)
speech for the 40th anniversary of
the end of World War II, “…anyone who closes his eyes to the past is blind to the present.” In Japan, however, people are not learning from the past. ( Chukiren《Association of Returnees from China》Peace Memorial)
松 井稔監督の『日本鬼子』(リーベン・クイズ)(2000年公開)が長い間「DVD化」の要望がありまししたが、遂に実現し11月7日発売になりまし た。1931年の満州事変から敗戦までの日中15 年戦争で、中国大陸にいた元皇軍兵士(中帰連)14人が自ら行ったあらゆる残虐行為を証言した衝撃のドキュメンタリー映画です。「焼き尽くし、殺し尽く し、奪い尽くし」の三光作戦どころか、強姦、試し斬り、非道な拷問、井戸に落とした母子めがけて手瑠弾を投げ込み爆殺、七三一部隊実験、中国人を使つた人 間地雷探知機、人肉食、細菌化学兵器‥あらゆる加虐行為を「実際の戦争を伝えたい」という痛切な思いで勇気を持って告白した実録です。中国では『前事不忘 後事之師』(前の事を忘れず 後の教訓する)との諺があり、独ヴェイツゼッカー元大統領も敗戦40年の国会演説「荒れ野の40年」で『過去に目を閉ざす 者は結局のところ現在にも盲目となります』と全く同じ事を言っていますが、日本は過去の歴史を教訓として生かすことができていません。(中帰連平和記念 館)
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