Saturday, December 20, 2014

Labornet TV reports freelance journalists' legal action against State Secrets Law

The last program of Labornet TV for the year 2014 was aired in the evening of Dec. 10, the day the secrecy law took effect. Anchor MATSUMOTO Chie came to the studio after participating in the protest in front of the prime minister's office. The program featured a lawsuit filed against the state secrecy law. The plaintiffs, 43 freelance journalists, argue that the law is unconstitutional. TERASAWA Yu, one of the plaintiffs, and YAMASHITA Yukio, one of their lawyers, reported that the court had accepted their complaint and they had already started presenting arguments on the unconstitutionality of the law.  They also told that many people came to the court to witness the hearings so that the most recent session was held in a larger courtroom. "All the plaintiffs of this case have been disclosing corruption in police, self-defense forces, nuclear energy and other government offices and policies. We are the very target of the secrecy law: It was made to restrict the activities of freelance journalists and to crush us eventually. This is why we have gone for litigation," said Terasawa. (By Labornet TV Project) 


12 月10日のレイバーネットTVは今期(9~12月)最後の放送だった。この日は「秘密保護法施行日」。松元ちえキャスターも昼の官邸前抗議行動に参加して から、スタジオ入りした。特集「ダメよ~ダメダメ、秘密保護法」のゲストは、秘密保護法違憲訴訟をたたかうジャーナリストの寺澤有さんと弁護団の山下幸夫 さん。運動の盛り上がりの中で、「この裁判が門前払いにならず、本格的憲法論争に入りつつある。法廷も大法廷に変更になった」と報告があった。寺澤さんは 「今回提訴したフリージャーナリスト43人は警察・自衛隊・原発など権力の不正を暴いてきた人ばかり。秘密法の狙いはこうしたフリーランスの取材を規制し つぶすことにある。だからこそ立ち上がった」と語った。アーカイブでご覧ください。(レイバーネットTVプロジェクト) 

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