Saturday, December 20, 2014

Statement by Occupy Tents at Economy Ministry impeaches forcible "closure" of trial declared by Tokyo District Court

In the lawsuit that the Japanese Government filed in April 2013 against members of the anti-nukes occupy tents in front of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, demanding clearance of the venue and payment of 11 million yen for the use of the state-owned land, the 9th hearing session was held on Dec. 3 at the Tokyo District Court.  In addition to the defendants, 6 of 43 self-declared stake-holders including some women from Fukushima were admitted to participate in the proceeding. One of those six, KAMEYA Yukiko, a former resident of Futaba-machi living in Tokyo now as an evacuee, delivered a 15-minute long moving statement. Immediately after the spectators were moved to tears with Kameya's statement, the presiding judge MURAKAMI Masatoshi announced to take 5-minute break for judges' meeting out of the courtroom.  After the break, Judge Murakami dismissed requests from defendant's lawyers for examination of evidences and witnesses and instantly muttered that no more argument sessions would be held. The judges then hurriedly walked off without even declaring adjournment. The drastic development of the case took place just in seconds after the break.  (Excerpt from the statement by the occupy tents dated Dec. 4 )
Photo: The occupy tents, a symbol of anti-nukes movement 


12 月3日、東京地裁大法廷にて、テント裁判第9回口頭弁論が行われた。今回の口頭弁論では、前回法廷で、当事者参加を申し立てた43名のうち、福島の女性た ちをはじめとする6名が法廷内に入り、福島県双葉町で3・11事故に遭遇し、現在も都内に避難している亀屋幸子さんの感動的な陳述が15分にわたって行わ れた。法廷をうめる多くの人々が涙ながらに聞き入った。ところがその直後に、村上正敏裁判長(民事37部)は、「合議のため、5分間休憩します」といい、 3名の裁判官は合議室に消えた。そしてこの「休廷」ののち、裁判長は、弁護士の証拠・証人調べ請求を却下、続いて間髪を入れず「今回の法廷で弁論は終わり ます」とつぶやき、閉廷を宣言することもなくそそくさと姿を消した。一瞬の出来事だった。(声明より) 続き *写真=脱原発のシンボル「テントひろば」

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