There was an awful Christmas
present in December 24th: nullification by the Fukushima District
Court of the earlier injunction order against the restart of the No 3 & 4
reactors of the Takahama nuclear power plant. The presiding judge HIGUCHI, who
issued the injunction order in April 2015, was transferred to Kobe Family Court
and the three new judges made reversed his decision. The government framed the
restart as a top priority. There was a protest action of 100 people in front of
the Kansai Electric Power Co.’s Tokyo branch office. Participants raised their
voices of anger against the power company KEPCO. “Have you seen the reality in
Fukushima, KEPCO CEO YAGI, Fukui Governor NISHIKAWA and Minister of Economy,
Trade and Industry HAYASHI? Waste from decontamination is just piled up in the
fields. There is no way to dispose of it. Who’s going to take responsibility?”
“If an accident similar to Fukushima occurs in Takahama, Lake Biwa will be
contaminated. Japan will be all covered by nuclear waste disposal sites.”(M)
12 月24日のクリスマスプレゼントは、福井地裁の「仮処分決定取り消し」というとんでもないものだった。4月に関西電力高浜原発3、4号機の再稼働差止決定
は福島の現実を見たのか? 除染袋が畑の上をズラリと並んでいる姿を見たのか。再稼働すればまた核のごみが出る。処理する方法はない。その責任をとる覚悟はあるのか」「福島と同じ事
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