On May 15, 2014, there were simultaneous
global actions in thirty-five countries to demand respect for fast food workers’
rights and fair wages to them. In Japan, the action was organized mainly by the
Tokyo Young Contingent Workers' Union, and the participants walked through a
fashionable street in the Shibuya district in central Tokyo. They said, “We don’t
need to work overtime and can afford to enjoy dinner or dating with 1,500 yen
an hour”. The action got a positive reaction from people working in the
district. They told me about their hourly wages, “950 yen”, “1,100 yen” and “1,200
yen”, all of which are still low. In front of a Sukiya beef bowl shop and a
McDonald’s, the demonstrators demanded fair wages of minimum 1,500 yen an hour,
showing placards written in Japanese, English and Spanish. Many media outlets
covered the action. (M)
ファストフード労働者の権利を尊重し公正な賃金を! 5月15日、世界35ヶ国で同時アクションが取り組まれた。日本では、首都圏青年ユニオンなどが中心になって渋谷センター街を練り歩いた。「時給1500円になれば残業しないでやっていける。食事もデートもできる」。大きな声を張り上げる一行に、センター街のお店で働く人たちの反応もいい。店の人に時給を聞くと「950円」「1100円」「1200円」という答え。やはり低い。すき家とマクドナルドの前では、日本語・英語・スペイン語のプラカードを掲げ、 「公正な賃金、時給1500円以上を」と訴えた。メディアの関心が高く、カメラの人垣が出来た。(M)
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