Monday, May 26, 2014

Workers forced to pay to fulfill sales quota --introducing a new book, “Jibaku Eigyo”

A book titled, “Jibaku Eigyo” (self-destructive marketing) has recently been published by Poplar Publishing Co. Many Japan Post Co. workers are victims of this marketing. They are required to sell about 10,000 New Year’s postcards in a couple of months, for instance. But instead of selling them to customers, they sell them to discount shops because they know they can’t fulfill their sales quota. They end up shouldering the cost. They have to pay 70,000 yen out of their own pocket if they plan to sell the cards to the discount shops. This has become a common practice since the quota is almost impossible to fulfill. It is a surprise to find that about a quarter of a million JP workers start to engage in Jibaku eigyo business from Nov. 1, start of the New Year’s card sales--not those working at evil companies. Compared with New Year’s cards, it is more difficult to sell summer greeting cards and local specialties via delivery service, both of which impose larger cost on the workers. It is quite common for one worker to spend more than 100,000 yen a year just for sales quota.(KASHIDA Hideki)


『自 爆営業』(ポプラ社)という本を上梓した。自爆営業とは、ノルマ達成のために日本郵便の職員が、年賀状などを金券ショップに持ち込み、安く売った分の差額 に自腹を切る行為をいう。驚くのは、一部のブラック局のブラック上司の下で働く社員が…ではなく、約25万人の日本郵便の職員の多くが、年賀状販売開始の 11月1日からいっせいに自爆するという事実だ。一人が1万枚のノルマを自力で売るなど絶対に無理。金券ショップで1枚43円で売ると、1万枚なら7万円 の自爆。さらに、年賀状より売るのが難しい「かもめーる」や「ふるさと小包便」も自爆するので、1人が1年で10万円単位の自爆はザラ。(樫田秀樹)

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