Saturday, October 25, 2014

Let's get united for survival! ~ 300 gather for Oct. 12 Anti-Poverty National Rally

The 2014 Anti-Poverty National Rally was held on Oct. 12 in Tokyo. The slogan for the rally this year was “Let's get connected for survival!”  The morning program was composed of a get-together for exchanges among affiliate groups of the anti-poverty national network and a film show of “Metro Ladies Blues Part 2” and “Occupy Wall Street 2011.”  In the afternoon, the participants shared views and opinions in a symposium and discussions held in the World Café style that followed. The venue was filled with some 300 people. (By Web Editorial Staff)
The preparatory committee for the Anti-Poverty Network organized the first rally in March, 2007. We organized the Tent City for the Jobless over the new year holidays of 2008-2009 in a park in the central Tokyo. Local branches of the Anti-Poverty Network were established all over the country later on. We realized that the anti-poverty movement was expanding across the country steadily, if not rapidly. We have to make more efforts to move forward. Though media coverage has decreased, it does not mean that the anti-poverty movement has stagnated. The reports presented in the rally clearly showed the expansion of the movement. I was encouraged to hear the enthusiastic discussions today. I felt a little uplifted and, in fact, was near to tears. (Tweets by KAWAZOE Makoto, a caretaker of the Anti-Poverty Network) 
* Photo: The venue was full of enthusiastic participants.

東京で反貧困ネットワーク準備会が最初に集会を 開い たのは、20073月。2008年暮れには、年越し派遣村。その後、全国各地に反貧困ネットワークが結成さ れている。反貧困運動は、ジグザグがありながらも、着実に全国に広がってきているのを実感。次に何をつなげていくのか、ふんばりどこ ろ。その後、マスメディアには取り上げられなくなっていくが、それで全国的にも反貧 困運動が活動が落ち込んだかというとそうではないことが、今日の報告でもあきらかに。反貧困ネットワークがどんどん増えている。全国 のみなさんの熱心な意見交換を聴いて、励まされて、ちょっと元気が出て、涙がちょっ と出そうになる。(河添誠)  

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