Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Raising photos of violent Coast Guard~650 participate in Tokyo Action to Prevent Construction of a New Facility in Henoko

The drilling survey for the construction of a US military base in Henoko, Okinawa, is being enforced in defiance of residents day after day.
 In line with “Let’s go to Henoko—Stop building a new facility! 9.20 Action by residents of Okinawa” held in Henoko, Okinawa, a protest meeting and demonstration was held in Miyasita Park in Tokyo’s Shibuya Ward in the afternoon on Sept. 20 drawing some 650 people.
A fellow who was choked by a Coast Guard after a protest action with a group of canoeists off Henoko, made a speech at the rally.
 After the event, participants demonstrated around Shibuya Station with a banner reading, ”Don’t allow the construction of a new facility in Henoko!”
They made various appeals by singing, “Return Okinawa to us,” dancing in Dugong costumes, raising photos of violent Coast Guard and so on. (By OZAWA Kuniko) Photos by SATO Shigemi


沖縄・辺野古での米軍基地建設にむけたボーリング調査が、沖縄県民の民意を無視して連日強行されています。沖縄・辺野古現地で開催された「みんなで行こう辺 野古へ!―止めよう新基地建設!9.20県民大行動」に呼応し東京から声を上げようと、20日午後、渋谷・宮下公園 で抗議集会とデモが行われ、650人が参加しました。集会には、辺野古海上のカヌー隊に参加し、海上保安庁の職員に首を絞められた仲間からの発言がありま した。集会後、「辺野古に基地をつくらせない!」の横断幕を先頭に、渋谷駅を一周するデモ行進を行いました。「沖縄を返せ」の歌と踊り、ジュゴンのかぶり もの、海上保安庁の暴力写真などなど、さまざまにアピールしていました。(尾澤邦子) 写真(佐藤茂美)

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