Tuesday, December 26, 2017

My eighth dismissal, this time at the year-end -- Examples of email consultations on dismissal

 Case 1. I am a worker suffering from developmental disorder I received a sudden notification of dismissal at the end of the year. My employer said,” We don’t regard you as a worker with a handicap.” But, they concluded “We have no job to assign you.” That was the eighth dismissal that I had experienced. At every work place I ended up getting a dismissal notice. My appearance does not tell I have developmental disorders. I want to keep working for a long period of time.

Case 2. I am a female factory worker on a temporary contract. I have been continually bullied at the workplace. One staff member kept making insulting remarks toward me, such as “You are disgusting. An ugly old woman like you deserves to die.” In response to such a bullying, my peer workers and regular workers do nothing but laugh at me together. I brought myself to report such an incident to my boss, only to see no measures taken by the boss. Later on, I got a notice of employment termination.

Case 3. I am a nurse with15 years’ career. Last year I got transferred to the operation room from the hospital ward, where I have worked for many years. Since I was not accustomed to the new job, I had difficulty attaining the skills needed there. All of a sudden, I was ordered to become “a nursing assistant”, saying “You have no choice but quit the job unless you accept the task of a nursing assistant.”

Case 4. I am an office worker on regular employment basis as a clerical staff in a sale’s department. Our boss made a serious mistake in a transaction, making a huge loss. The boss passed the buck to one female clerk, compelling her to resign. Now the boss is trying to kick me out of the office, since he noticed that I was suspicious of his deeds.  (NPO Labor Consultation Center)
Photo: "Sudden termination after renewing the contract for 14 years"

8回目、年末の解雇通告!〜職場に吹き荒れる「首切り・ 雇い止め」

1、発達障害者。年末の解雇を通告されました。会社は私に「あなたを障害者扱いしません」と言い、結局 「あなたのできる仕事がない」と解雇されました。行く先々で解雇され今回で8回目です。発達障害は見た目ではわかりません。長く働きたいです。
2、工場。女性契約社員。ある担当社員から「キ モイ」「ババア」「死ね」と罵倒されるなど、いじめにあい続けていました。他の同僚も社員も見て笑っています。上司に訴えても動 いてくれないばかりか、雇い止めされました。
3、看護師。15年勤 続。昨年、長年勤めた病棟勤務から手術室へ異動させられました が、はじめての仕事で中々習得できませんでした。突然「看護助 手」を命ぜられ、「(看護助手が)できないなら退職しかない」 と通告されました。
4、営業事務で正社員。まじめに勤めてきまし たが、上司のミスで莫大な損失を生じたのに、上司はその責任を一 人の事務の女性のせいにして終わらせました。その女性は結局退 職しました。私が不審をもっていることに気が付くと今度は私を やめさせようとしてきています。(NPO法人 労働相談センター)

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