Friday, December 22, 2017

“This company has exploited my life!” The last day at work of WATANABE Teruko as a temporary worker

December 6th was the last day at work for WATANABE Teruko, a temporary worker. She has worked as a clerical staff of Company C in Tokyo for 17 years since 2001.  While working as a temporary worker on a 3-month contract ,although it has been actually renewed automatically, she has brought up two children as a single mother.  But at the end of October, she suddenly received a dismissal notice saying that the contract will not be renewed and will expire at the end of December.  Temporary workers without any bonus or transportation fees receive no retirement money.  Hence it follows that she will be suddenly thrown out into the street under the wintry sky at the end of the year.  She walked ploddingly with her shoulders dropped to her last day of work.  At 8:30 in the morning, at the entrance of the company office, she abruptly began to pound her fist on the company’s name plate, repeatedly.  “This company has exploited my whole life.”  And then she took the security card strap off her neck and said “The general affairs department staff who declined to renew my employment contract just said, ’Please return the security card to us on your last day’. The card is worn out, isn’t it? Just like me.” Then she was unable to continue. 


126日は、派遣労働者・渡辺照子さん(58/写真)の最後の出勤日となった。渡辺さんの仕事は、都内C社の一般事務で、2001年から17年間働いてきた。「3か月更新」だが事実上「自動更新」で働きつづけ、シングルマザーとして2人の子どもを育ててきた。ところ が10月末に突然「次の更新はない、12月末で終了」と雇い止め解雇を通告された。賞与も交通費もいっさい出ない「派遣労働者」には、退職金もない。そして、いきなり寒空の年末に放り出されてしまうのだ。肩を落としながらとぼとぼと歩き、最後の出勤をする渡辺さん。午前8時半、 会社のあるビルの入口で、渡辺さんはいきなり会社名が刻んであるプレート板を、こぶしで何度も叩いた。「この会社が私の人生を搾取したんです!」。そして首にぶら下げている「入館カード」を取りだしてこう言った。「私を雇い止めにした総務部の最後の言葉は『最後の日にこのカ ードを返してください』のたった一言でした。このカードぼろぼろでしょう。私みたい」と絶句した。(M

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