Friday, December 22, 2017

Okinawan Anti-Base Protest Leader Talks on Present and Future of Okinawa

A rally to update concerned citizens on the criminal case against YAMSHIRO Hiroji , a prominent anti-base activist in Okinawa, was held at the upper house members' office building in Tokyo in the evening of Dec. 12 with the attendance of the accused himself. Yamashiro had been actively protesting the construction of the new U.S. military base in Henoko, Nago City and helipads for new transport aircrafts Osprey at the Camp Gonsalves in Takae, Higashi-son until he was arrested in October 2016 on suspicion of destruction of property by just cutting one barbed wire of the fence surrounding the helipads construction site.  Two more charges were added after the arrest: causing bodily injury to a defense bureau officer at the helipad construction site in Takae while protesting and forcibly obstructing business at the Camp Schwab while protesting the new base construction in Henoko.  Yamashiro had  been detained for 5 months for these minor charges for which the prosecutors demanded on Dec. 4 imprisonment for 2 years and 6 months at the Naha District Court.
The rally was organized by a group of citizens and parliamentarians supporting Yamashiro. The court decision is expected on March 14,2018 (By MIYUKI Emi) 
 Photo: Yamashiro and Mizuho Fukushima, Upper House member


12月12日夜、東京・参議院会館で「山城裁判を知ろう!山城博治が語る沖縄の現状とこれから」院内集会がひらかれた。 沖縄で、辺野古新基地建設や高江のヘリパットに抗議活動をしていた山城博治さんは、去年10月に有刺鉄線をわずか1本切ったことで「器物損壊」容疑で逮捕された。その後、高江ヘリパットに対する抗議行動に伴う「傷害」、辺野古新基地建設に対する抗議行動での「威力業務妨害」容疑が加わり、3つの罪で起訴された。不当な拘留は5か月にも及んだ。そして、今年12月に懲役2年6か月の求刑をうけた。こうした状況のなか「市民と議員の実行委員会」が呼びかけ、院内集会がひらかれた。参議院議員・社民党の福島みずほさんは「来年3月に判決予定です。何としても無罪を勝ちとりたい」と呼びかけた。沖縄平和運動センター議長の山城博治さんが、壇上に立ち歌を歌うと会場は盛り上がり熱気であふれた。(見雪恵美)

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