The day
was called “NO NUKES DAY” on March 8, as it was approaching the fourth anniversary
of Fukushima nuclear disaster. A joint action against nuclear energy was held
all around Japan, calling to remember Fukushima and never to restart nuclear
plants. With the rain let up, people filled the Hibiya Open-Air Concert Hall in
Tokyo holding bright red signs that read, “NO NUKES!” Actions were followed by a
demonstration to the Diet, a human chain and another large rally in front of
the Diet building. At the rally, people from different fields, such as
lawmakers, a movie director, an author of children's books and a German
Greenpeace activist spoke and demanded to decommission all the nuclear plants
in Japan. “A nuke-free society is possible. This is proved by the fact that we
have lived our lives without depending on any nuclear plant for the past four
years.” According to the organizer, a total of 23,000 citizens participated. (By
真っ赤な「原発反対 NO NUKES!」のプラカードが、雨の上がった日比谷野音を埋めつくしたNO NUKES DAY。4年目の3.11を迎える3月8日、「福島を忘れるな! 再稼働を許すな!」の声を一つに、全国で反原発統一行動が行われた。東京・日比谷野音は会場に入りきれない人で溢れた。午後1時からの集会、国会請願デモ、国会包囲、国会前大集会と夕方5時過ぎまで、行動が続いた。国会前集会では国会議員、映画監督、絵本作家、グリーピースのドイツ人活動家などさまざまな分野の人たちが意見を述べ、国会に向かって原発を全て廃炉にせよと声を上げた。原発ゼロは可能だ。わたしたちは4年間、原発に頼らずに暮らしてきたことがそれを証明している。参加者は主催者発表で、延べ23000人だった。(shinya)
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