Sunday, March 22, 2015

Postal Industry Workers Union goes on nationwide strike, demanding increases in staff and wage, and equal pay for equal work

The Postal Industry Workers Union began strikes at 24 post offices nationwide on March 16, 2015. The union demands that the number of staff and wage be increased and the unequal pay for non-regular employees be rectified. In Tokyo, the strike was carried out at Tamagawa Post Office, joined by approximately 100 supporters. Three postal workers who led the strike uniformly referred to the shortage of workers in their workplace, saying, “Due to a lack of manpower, delivery has been delayed even to the night. The situation is even worse at our Tamagawa Post Office. We demand adequate human resources be secured” and “The shortage of manpower directly causes reduction in customer service”. Japan Post abandons public service without increasing manpower despite its huge profits. At the same time, Japan Post fails to pay decent wages to its workers, especially to non-regular employees. Their demands for more staff members and wages and equal pay for equal work are really compelling. After the strike at the post office, the strikers and their supporters waged a protest action in front of the headquarters of Japan post. (M)


郵政産業労働者ユニオンは、316日、全国24の職場でストライキに突入した。2015春闘として、賃上げ・非正規差別是正・人員増を要求している。東京の拠点は、世田谷区の住宅街にある「玉川郵便局」。早朝から支援の人たち約100名が駆けつけ、郵便局周辺は赤旗が林立した。ストに入った3名が口々に語ったのは、人員不足だった。「人が足りず定刻に配達できず夜間配達が常態化している。玉川は特にひどい。ちゃんとした要員確保を求めたい」「業務に見合った人がいないことは、お客へのサービス低下に直結している」。日本郵政は巨額の黒字決算にもかかわらず、増員もせず公共サービスを放棄している。また 働く者にも還元せず、膨大な非正規職員は低賃金に置かれたままだ。「人を増やせ!賃金上げろ!非正規差別をやめろ!」は、郵政労働者の切実な要求だった。11時からは、日本郵政本社前で抗議行動を行った。(M

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