It is already 12 years since
teachers in Tokyo were force to stand and sing the National Anthem, Kimigayo,
at commencement ceremonies. Also in Osaka, an ordinance was made 3 years ago to
make it possible to dismiss teachers when they disobey three times the orders
to stand up and sing.. But last year, a student graduating a Osaka City
municipal high school handed out a flyer at the gate of the school on the day
of the ceremony and refused to stand and sing.
On February 21th, there was a
meeting in Tokyo to hear the story of this student, KIMURA Hibiki, now a first
year undergraduate. She said, “I was taught from my father that Kimigayo is a
song wishing the eternity of Emperors’ rule”. As the day of the ceremony drew
near, she was still wavering. But encouraged by the headmaster, she remained
seated during the ceremony, although her legs were trembling. (SASAKI Yumi)
Photo: KIMURA Hibiki telling her story
Photo: KIMURA Hibiki telling her story
東京の教育現場で「日の丸・君が代」強制が始まって12年がたつ。大阪でも3年前に「職員基本条例」が作られ、3回不起立をした教員は免職になる。こうした 中で昨年(2014年)の春、卒業式の当日に学校の門前で自分の思いを書いたチラシを配り、不起立をした大阪府立高校の卒業生がいた。2月21日東京・ス ペースたんぽぽで、その高校生・木村ひびきさん(現在大学1年)のお話を聞く会が開かれた。70名の参加者で会場はあふれた。木村さんは、父親から「君が 代」が「天皇の世が続くように」という歌だと聞いていた。中学校の卒業式が近づき、不起立をするかどうか迷っていた。まわりの反応がこわかったからだ。 (佐々木有美)
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