Sunday, March 22, 2015

Punished should be the Supreme Court: Protest against “unfair decision on JAL case”

On February 27, 2015, more than 600 people protested the Supreme Court against its unfair decision on the wrongful dismissal of Japan Airlines workers. The court failed to appropriately judge the case, siding with the JAL management. The plaintiffs, who were unfairly dismissed by the carrier, condemned the court, saying, “Down with the unfair decision!” and “Punished should be the Supreme Court!” and expressed their strong determination to continue fighting until all of them will be reinstated. ITOYA Kin-ichiro, the president of the National Federation of Dockworkers Unions of Japan who has supported the fired JAL workers, said, “The unjust decision of the Supreme Court was fixed from the start. The court simply rejected our appeal. The International Labour Organization (ILO) recommended discussions for their reinstatement, and the International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) has supported their struggle against the unjust dismissal. Such an unfair decision is never accepted in the world as the Supreme Court has abandoned judicial conscience”. (News for reinstatement of unfairly dismissed JAL workers No. 432)


227日、600名超の抗議の声が最高裁を包みました。JAL不当解雇撤回裁判でまともな審理もせず上告棄却・上告不受理の決定。最高裁の暴挙は許さない! 裁かれるべきは裁判所!と糾弾するとともに、不当決定に屈することなく不当解雇撤回・全員の職場復帰まで闘うとの強い意志を示しました。冒頭、主催者を代表してあいさつした国民支援共闘の共同代表、糸谷全国港湾委員長は、「最高裁の不当決定は結論ありき、短期間で上告を門前払いした」ILO(国際労働機関)は職場復帰に向けた協議を勧告、ITF(国際運輸労連)やIFALPA(国際定期操縦士協会)も高裁判決を批判し不当解雇闘争の支援をしてきた。不当決定は世界に通用しない」と述べ、「最高裁は司法の良心を投げ捨てた」と不当決定を糾弾しました。(JAL不当解雇撤回ニュースNO.432

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